WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC is the exclusive worldwide representative for Inger Johanne Grytting.
For any inquiries regarding acquisition, artwork prices, or exhibition, please contact the Westwood Gallery at info@westwoodgallery.com. For inquiries regarding her photographs, please email ijgryttingart@gmail.com.
Solo Exhibitions
2025 Three decades of drawing, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2022 Life Lines, Westwood Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2017 New Drawings, The Vigeland Museum, Oslo, Norway
2016 New Work, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo, Norway
2015 Extensions, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
2014 Muriel Guépin Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2013 Galleri Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway
Recent Work, The Boiler Room Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2012 Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær, Norway
New Paintings, Rose Burlingham Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2010 Lines Among Lines, Trygve Lie Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2005 Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway
Bodø Kunstforening, Bodø, Norway
Atelier Lofoten, Svolvær, Norway
2003 Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 8 - Diary of a Time: The art of Miriam Bloom, Inger Johanne Grytting, Charles Hinman, Ron Morosan, Nobuho Nagasawa, Don Porcaro, Danny Simmons, and Alan Steele
2023. On Art & Friendship: Inger J. Grytting & Mimi Gross, NNKS, Svolvær, Norway
2022 Artists and Immigrants: The Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation, New York
2018 Light Lines: The Art of Jan Groth, Inger Johanne Grytting and Thomas Pihl.
Scandinavia House, New York
Slow Walz, Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, Norway
Chart Design, Copenhagen, w/Ram Galleri, Oslo
2017 Oslo Kunsthandel, Oslo, Norway
Images of the North, Touring exhibition in Japan by Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum.
Thru The Rabbit Hole 2, Sideshow Nation V / Life On Mars, Brooklyn, New York
2016 Treasures — Skatter, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
Platons Huskestue, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Brudd og kontinuitet — Tegnerforbundet 100 år, Oslo, Norway
2015 TMC International, Sag Harbor, New York, USA
Inexhaustible Beauty: Works from Sparebank1 Nord-Norges Stiftelse, Norway
The Word of Modern Art: Artists as Writers, The Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation, New York, USA
Passasje, Bodø Kunstforening, Bodø, Norway
2014 Twenty-three Artists from In and Around, Bushwick Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY, USA
12 falsa ark, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær, Norway
2013 Disegno.3, The Boiler Room Contemporary Art Projects, ArtCopenhagen, Denmark
2012 Righteous Perpetrators, A.I.R Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Higher Ground, Drawings from the collection of Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
Water, water everywhere, The Boiler Room Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2011 Paralleller, NordNorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
Selected Works from the Collection of Sparebank1 Nord-Norges Stiftelse, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
Art Chicago, w/Muriel Guépin Gallery, NY, USA
2010 Heiberg Cummings Gallery, New York, USA
2008 Hommage à Iver Jåks, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær, Norway
2007 Tegnerforbundet’s Vårutstilling, Oslo, Norway
2005 Far East, Christiansands Kunstforening, Kristiansand, Norway
Den 59. Nordnorske Kunstutstilling, (& 02, 00, 94, 93, 92) Bodø, Norway
2004 Nordnorsk Samtidskunst Triennale, Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway
2000 Mørketidsutstillingen, Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway
2001 Tegnerforbundet’s Vårutstilling, Oslo, Norway
1998 Statens 111. Kunstutstilling, Oslo, Norway
KODE, Bergen, Norway
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Jan Groth og Steingrim Laursens Samling, Stavanger, Norway
The Art Collection of Oslo Municipality, Oslo, Norway
Nordland Fylkeskommune Art Collection, Bodø, Norway
Troms Fylkeskommune Art Collection, Tromsø, Norway
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
SpareBank1 NordNorge's Kunststiftelse, Tromsø, Norway
Universitetet I Tromsø
Svolvær Bys Faste Samling, Svolvær
Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger
Selected Bibliography
Inger Johanne Grytting, Selected Works. Teknisk Industri as, Oslo 2018.
Point + Line = Light by Lilly Wei
Parallel Lines: The Work of Inger Johanne Grytting and the Emergence of Postminimalism
in Norway by Joakim Borda-Pedreira
Det du ikkje kan kontrollere, Teikningane til Inger Johanne Grytting, by Eva Furseth. Numer 118, 2018
Mennesklige Linjer, by Mona Gjessing. Billedkunst nr 6, 2018
Det motsatte av rastløshet, by Kjetil Røed, Aftenposten, October 17. 2017
Kunstkritikk.no 2017 http://www.kunstkritikk.no/artikler/igjen-og-igjen-og-igjen/ by Liv Brissach
Sissel Kvello on Inger Johanne Grytting at Oslo Kunstforening, The Norwegian Art Yearbook, 2017
Kunst for ti mill. i året havner på lager, by Espen Tjersland, Dagens Næringsliv, 30 April, 2016
Treasures—Skatter, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseums Samling, by Knut Ljøgodt. Teknisk Industri AS. 2016
Gryttings strek, by Tove B. Myhre. Nordlys, May 3. 2016
Håndlagets uforutsigbare nyanser, by Sten Nilsen. Kunst Pluss, nr. 2, 2015. Norske Kunstforeninger
Elegant døråpner inn i et betydelig kunstnerskap, by Mona Gjessing. Numer 104, 2015
Kunsten å tegne en strek. By Marit Olsvik Opsahl, KUNSTforum, 3.17.2015
Håndlagets uforutsigbare nyanser, by Sten Nilsen. Kunst Pluss. nr 2, 2015, Norske Kunstforeninger
Streken i dialog med papiret. By Amalie Marie Selvik, Sekunstmagasin, 01. March 2015
Extensions - Inger Johanne Grytting. By Charis Gullickson, Teknisk Industri AS, Oslo - 2015
En New York kunstner vender hjem. By Helge Matland. Bladet Tromsø – 2.13.2015
NRK radio: Morra i NRK P1. Interview w/ Inger Johanne Grytting. Tromsø – 2.16.2015
Gryttings strek. By Tove B. Myhre. Bladet Nordlys 2.16. 2015
Patrick Carrara & Inger Johanne Grytting. By Stefanie Waldek. ARTNEWS, New York, February - 2015
In the Works of Patrick Carrara and Inger Johanne Grytting, Lines are More Than Marks:
ARTSY EDITORIAL, Oct.13, 2014, New York https://artsy.net/post/editorial-in-the-works-of-patrick-carrara-and
Over streken – og under. By Tommy Olsson, Morgenbladet, 08-14 February - 2013
Rytmiske striper. By Lotte Sandberg, Aftenposten, February 26 - 2013
En kronisk dveling. By Stian Gabrielsen, Billedkunst nr 2, 2013
Rutenettets indre liv. By Ingvild Krogvig, Kunstkritikk, February 15 - 2013
Visuelle spor av tid. By Ann Lisbeth Hemmingsen, Sekunstmagasin, March - 2013
Galleriårboken 2012. Editor Torill Østby Haaland, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær
Righteous Perpetrators to the end. By J. Wroblewski/, A.I.R. Gallery, 9.2.2012.
Higher Ground. Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø - 2012
Paralleller. Repetisjon og sanselighet. By Charis Gullickson, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum - 2011
Interview with Jan Groth og Inger Johanne Grytting. By Erling Steenstrup, NRK Nordnytt February 7, 2011
Inger Johanne Grytting. By Charis Gullickson, Sparebank1 Nord-Norges Kunststiftelse - 2011
Lines Among Lines at Trygve Lie Gallery, Nordstjernan, New York - 2010
Jan Groth Samling, Rogaland Kunstmuseum catalogue, 2004
Utladning fra blyantspissen. By Leena Mannila, Numer - 2005
Når form blir innhold, Høstutstillingens tegninger. By Trond Borgen, Numer 37, 1998
Stilsikker tegner. By Helge Matland, Bladet Tromsø - 1995